Cara menembak di pubg mobile rasa auto aim– memang memalukan, kita sudah loot senjata dan dapet banyak, tapi kita tidak bisa mengontrol senjata/ aim nya jelek apalagi sudah dapat flare gun, udah siap chicken tapi cara menembak kalian masih ngacoo sangat miris, tentunya kalian tidak boleh seperti itu terus dengan keadaan aim jelek. Pubg auto aim script. Pubg script provides a script based on a layout over the game it allows you to play with differents profiles you can configure your script event in game to get the best settings join a community of hundreds of players now !.
pubg auto aim script
Pubg mobile aimbot auto aiming mods and apps, also known as ‘aimbots’, are automated bots that will auto aim and shoot for you, allowing you to get lots of kills and stay alive while doing it while this may sound simple, it is one of the most sophisticated and powerful hacks available for pubg mobile and also exceedingly rare to see.