In this post we’ll try to list the latest versions of most popular custom unofficial roms for xiaomi redmi note 4 mtk device. this post will be updated as soon as new version will be released. before installing any of this roms, make sure you have unlocked bootloader and twrp custom recovery installed on your device.advertisement […]. Cara pemula pasang twrp tanpa pc di xiaomi tested redmi note 4 mtk rom china dev - duration: 6:18. kiki mulyana 334,625 views. – tidak mau kalah dong sekarang xiaomi redmi note 3 mediatek juga tidak mau kalah dengan redmi note 3 pro yang lebih dulu menggunakan miui 9 dan sekarang redmi note 3 medaitek juga mendapatkan miui 9 , tetapi miui 9 yang saya bagikan saat ini merupakan miui 9 epic rom pro 7.9.14 redmi note 3 mtk dan bukan official , tetapi menggunakan base custom rom miui 9 official.
Epic rom v8.0.1.0 multilanguage for redmi note 3 mtk
Steps to install custom roms for xiaomi redmi note 4 [mtk] download custom rom and gapps for xiaomi redmi note 4 and transfer both files to your device; reboot your device into twrp recovery. switch off your device. press and hold “volume down + power” buttons until you see anything on the screen.. Yes xiaomi has rolled out miui 8 global stable rom v8.0.1.0 for many devices. this custom rom from epic team is based on that rom but with more enhancements. the developer stated that using xposed is not recommended in this rom since it has some compatibility issues with redmi note 3 mtk. what languages are included? all languages from.